Outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta has made his first comments on the outcome of the election since the vote was done on 9 August, without mentioning the President-elect, William Ruto, specifically by name or congratulating him.
He had backed Raila Odinga against his deputy, Mr Ruto. But Mr Ruto narrowly won by a victory that was confirmed by the Supreme Court, which earlier rejected Mr Odinga's complaints.
"In keeping to the pledge that I made to uphold the rule of law when I took the oath of office I commit to executing the orders of this court to the letter," Mr Kenyatta said.
He also reassured Kenyans that there would be smooth handover to new president.
"The process of handing over is in progress... it is my intention to oversee a smooth transition to the next administration."
But though the speech was delivered in a calm mind way there was some apparent criticism of today's judicial ruling.
"Because democracy is a work in progress I urge the country to respect the institutions that midwife our new leaders... I also urge citizens to constantly put them under scrutiny because this is the civic duty of every single Kenyan," Mr Kenyatta added.
He then went on to question whether the Supreme Court had acted consistently. In mid 2017, the president himself had his initial victory overturned by the same court.
"People must scrutinise the truth by has there been a consistent pattern?" he asked.
"Is it about numbers or is it about process? Which of these two is it?
"And can our institutions rule one way in one election and another way in another election without scrutiny?
"I do invite you Kenyans to keep vigil and indeed to hold all institutions to account."