In my 26 years in this world, I have only had a serious relationship with a man I met at the university, but we were not together.
I do not have fancy idea of having a boyfriend, but my family and friends that are at my back to have one and are always matchmaking.
I have career and I don’t mind being single. Is this normal?
Almustapha Nasir Adam, by e-mail.
Dear Almustapha,
It do not matter if your views are normal or not normal. They are yours, so stick to them.
You do not need to get irritated with your family and friends. They match-make more because they are concerned about you. In the meantime, take another look at your views on relationships. I bet that deep down, you must have a bit of anxiety about it all. Maybe you worry you would have to compromise too much.
Or is it because you have seen a lot of relationships turn bad and want none of it?
You are right not to want to settle for an unhappy life, but you can choose a partner who respects your space and have a relationship that works for you.
A lot of women who were once in your shoes have eventually settled with partners they are now happy with. Just keep an open mind.